Copyright (c) 2003-2020 Recognition Technologies, Inc.
This is a portal for using the RecoMadeEasy[R] AudioVisual Recognition system developed by Recognition Technologies, Inc. and has been provided under a specific license agreement. This script is an integral part of the RecoMadeEasy[R] AudioVisual Recognition Software Engine which has been licensed for temporary usage under the license agreement in place. This software may not be re-distributed or sold in any form. The licensee or any affiliates of the licensee shall not modify, copy, duplicate, reproduce, license or sublicense the Software, or transfer or convey the Software or any right in the Software to anyone else without the prior written consent of Recognition Technologies, Inc.; provided that the licensee may make copies of the Software for backup or archival purposes.

Any derivations, modifications, or patches made to any part of the software, including all peripheral scripts, whether they are made by the licensee through the above written approval, or by Recognition Technologies, Inc. may only be used by the licensee under the copyright terms here and are still considered in whole to be copyrighted by Recognition Technologies, Inc. Once the governing license ceases, any such code including all derived and modified versions of the scripts should be destroyed or returned to Recognition Technologies, Inc. Also, no attempts whatsoever should be made at reverse engineering the techniques used by this and its peripheral software in any way.

Please contact the developer at to report any information regarding the misuse of this license.

By logging in, you agree to all the above terms and conditions.